Fabulas ,en Ingles Saile

F A B L E S     

Saile Villalobos

The Fable of the Wise Owl.

In the evening of a hot Summer, after a long draught, the forest´s inhabitants started getting restless due to the smoke that was spreading beyond. The blue sky turned gray;  but because of the forest´s thickness it was difficult to see what was really happening.
Rumors about the smoke´s origen started spreading around.
In front of this situation, the forest´s animals gathered for a council, to weight the situation and take the pertinent measures.
Mr. Elephant was the first to intervene in the meeting:
-“According to my experience, when there is smoke in the forest, it means that a farmer is preparing his land for sowing.”
Mrs. Megpies instantly sustained the commentary.
-“Yes, that must be it! Each year the same thing happens, there´s no reason for alarm.”
The small forest´s animals: the squirrel, the hare and the fawn, didn´t dare to contradict the majestic elephant.
The donkey was also in accordance, because the majority said so.
The clever fox kept silent and then went away from the place.
The hawk decided to investigate on its own, and accompanied by Mr. Eagle, flew to the end of the forest where the smoke was coming from.
They saw that the smoke was being caused  by a fire, which  was spreading rapidly through the forest; the wind´s direction would soon take the fire to the point where the animals were. They just had the bare time to warn the others so they could escape.
When they flew back to inform what was happening, as well as the risky situation which they were in-- with the forest´s fire, the council decided to flee as quick as posible in order to save their lives.
Then, the Wise Owl, stated a moral:
-“Those ones who just --suppose-- guided by rumors, always take bad decisions. Only facts and obtained evidence from direct observation, will take us to the correct  judgments and decisions.”

Sea Fable.

The salmon´s eager spirit searches for heights,
Its entrepeneur´s soul doesn´t know rest´s lap.
Its only motivation is to reach most high, “cost what it may cost;”
While in more peaceful waters sardines gathered,
They just look for their daily meal, without no further aim;
Except than just surviving.
The shark stalks them; they are easy prays for such an scary
Which was born and only lives to kill. It doesn´t know satiety.
Beyond the great sea waves, a beautiful dolphin can be observed,
With agile movements it dives inside the sea deepnesses.
It comes out with a powerful leap, but it is never trying to be the
First one.
It knows how to defend itself from predators, thanks to its
Intelligence and wiseness. It just looks out for a plentiful life
without causing any harm to others. It is the sea´s Sovereign.

The Man´s Fable

On the top of a steep mountain, majestic and proud a powerful
Eagle flies around: sovereign of heights, with just loniliness
for company.
Meanwhile, in the deepness of the black jungle, a Bengali tiger,
with elegant movements and light step, passes through it. No one
dares to defy its powerful presence.
In another dimensión, the tiny ant, works restlessly as a member
Ot he colony. Only inside the group and being disciplined, it can
survive day by day.
Further beyond on land, near the warm waters of the Caribbean,
A shark swims around its dominion wihout having any rival. It Is a
Natural warrior: voracious and rapacious, capable of defeating
any sea species.
By sky, land and sea, a product of evolution in recent times has
Conquered the world. He is a different being from all others: he is
Man;  one who has been given reasoning power. To compensate
his physical limitations, he posseses one peculiarity:
His fingers-- His thumbs permit him to create tools and weapons;
which have led him to dominate his surrounding. He owns a  dual
nature: divine and animal. Therefore he lives in great  conflict.
He has got  an inner enemy he hasn´t been able to defeat:
“Ego”- which  exists inside his mind. And if he doesn´t defeat it,
 It will certainly be his destruction.

The Dog and the Lizard.

On the greenery of a garden, an agile lizard runs around
When suddenly it was surprised by a restless dog.
The dog´s effort wasn´t enough to trap its pray. But from that day
Onwards, a ritual hunter-pray was established.
The restless puppy, persecuted the agile lizard usessly:
Since thousands of years back, the small reptile had been
designed to survive.
The dog finally understood that he would never be able to catch
The sneeky lizard. And so did it.
But it happened to be that this peculiar situation became amusing
To both of them.
During a certain amount of time, none of them missed the
Usual appointment.
One morning though, after a heavy rain, the restless dog waited in
vain for the arrival of its playmate.
But the lizard didn´t arrive. Neither the next day nor the further
One, and so on.  
The dog kept on waiting, but the lizard never came.
The wise owl, seeing the dog´s sadness, as well as the deep
Melancholy that  got hold of him, told him kindly: “ my friend
dog hound, it is of wise ones to value loved ones, as also
all happy moments with them;
Because when they are gone for good, they´ll never come back.  
So there won´t be comfort which could soothe their absency & gt;. “

The unhappy Bear.

In the coldest región of the North Pole, a majestic polar bear
Was resting on an iceberg,
A penguin which was on the edge of it, had been left behind from
its group. Therefore, it could be quite an easy pray for the bear
sitting nearby. 
The pinguin was aware of its physical limitations; it also knew that
only its cleverness would save him.
With great determination it came as near as it was safe from
The White bear, and firmly it started the following dialogue:
“Mr. White bear, why are you so stern?”
The bear became irritated, and with an intimidating voice he
“It is better that you don´t bother me.” And  then added:
“Who are you to question me in this way?”
-“I am someone who can help you to feel better.” The penguin
dared to reply.
-“You? How is so?”. . . Answered the bear intrigued.
-If you permit me to come nearer, I can do it.
The bear then took him seriously.
-You know something? You are bold and agreeable, penguin-
-“Yes, I have to, because if I fail, there will be no way to defend 
Myself from you.” Said the penguin.
The polar bear then confirmed his fear.
-You are right! You could be a delicious meal for me.
The penguin wasn´t scared.
-But if I achieve that what I´ve told you, will you let me pass
-“You have my word.” Said the bear.
 The penguin then came near the formidable polar bear. From
Under its wing it brought out a bird´s long feather, he bent by the
Bear and began tickling him on the paws. The bear couldn´t hold
Laughter and began laughing without control.
The penguin went on tickling him on the stomach, the under arms,
And then all over as well. Until the bear started asking for
As at the same time he went on laughing.
The bear honored his word and even made the penguin his friend.
-“My friend penguin, how did you happen to know what I was
Needing for?” He asked with genuine curiosity.
-“As I was  observing  your face, I saw  there solitude and sadness.
Possesing almost everything; I knew you were not happy.” Said
the little penguin.
Backing also his argument as follows:

You eat whatever you wish: fish, seals, salmons and so on. All of it
In full abundance. You can run with agility, you are a great
 Swimmer. You are never cold thanks to the beautiful white coat
Which nature has given you. Everybody fears you, but
anyhow you sleep for nice long periods. Nevertheless, having –
almost everything- you don´t enjoy what life has given you.
The worst sin you can commit, is what I´ve just said –having
almost  everything-- you are not happy, mate.
Then he finally stated: “We all have need of everybody.” “ It´s the
only way to be happy.”

The Ostrich and the Wise Owl

In a great plain, some ostriches fled away at great speed
Because they had detected the presence of a poweful tiger;
But one of them, which unfortunately was left behind, decided to
hide its head inside a hole; so as to try  passing for a bush.
The experienced predator simulated not to have seen it. He
Slowed his race and came with caution near the defenseless
The tiger then attacked the ostrich mercylessly. Sticking its
Poweful teeth on the poor bird´s neck, killing her instantly.
The Wise Owl, was watching the terrible scene from a distance.
Commenting afterwards its final outcome to some other birds.
-Ostriches are the most rapid birds on Earth. They can reach up
To 80 kms. But to its disgrace, it decided to supposedly hide from
Danger; thinking that way she was going to be away from it.
Then he stated the following wise reflexion:
-How many times, we act the same way. Having great physical
And mental abilities, we don´t use them in the proper form.
We let opportunities go away, as this one  ostrich did.
Later on when we want to catch them; they´re gone, because we
decided –to hide our head- avoiding to see beyond our fears,
just pretending that –nothing- was happening.

The Royal Eagle´s Leyend

On the edge of a  steep mountain, the eggs of a Royal Eagle can
be seen resting inside a nest.
Up there, the heights Sovereign spreads its poweful wings and
Then dashes down into void.
Taking advantage of the wind currents it flies to the bottom of
the canyon.
On its way downwards, a small rodent is then detected by its
sharp eyesight, so it flies speedly towards it. Unfortunately it
isn´t aware of the presence of a sniper, who with a precise shot
brings down one of nature´s most beautiful birds.
A very heavy rain begins to fall on the mountain top, therefore
the eggs inside the unprotected nest are washed away, less one,
which is pulled down together with the nest by the strong wáter
current till it reaches the bottom of the abyss.
Thanks to the protective straw structure as well as the eggshell,
the unborn tiny eagle has survived.

After a while, guided by its instinct , it breaks the shell to come
Out into the world totally defenseless. Nevertheless, its lineage
Inheritance as a royal eagle, gives her the qualifications and
Abilities for survival.
It starts life hunting small snakes, insects and so on. This way,
each day she becomes stronger and her spirit grows too. The
only thing she really  has to do is to follow her natural instinct.

Again a very heavy rain pours down, causing the nearby river
To  overflow.
The small eagle which was perching on the branch of a tree,
Watches the wáter covering it; and then the branch snaps by
Its force. She struggles to hang on, but finally falls into the
Water and is pulled away by the current..
Gelling  out self-strenght, she flaps its wing desperatedly and
Can luckily reach one of the river banks.
by this bad experience, it is able to discover that she isn´t a really
Defenseless bird: she has got strong wings to fly, and a powerful
beak to face life with.
Her instinct goes on instructing her, day by day on how to fly
Daily now she builts up confidence. It started dashing down at first
Just from  small rock heaps, and then little by little doing it  from
Higher peaks.
Each time flying, the young royal eagle can reach higher places.

It also has learnt that the higher it went, the lonelier she could
be; but its satisfaction increased; because by now it was fully
sure that it wasn´t anymore a defenseless pray for her
It was completely aware that she was a royal Eagle; ment to be the
height´s Sovereign.

When it reached a great altitude, she stopped for a while to watch
The beautiful scenery in front of her. It was at this precise moment
That her destiny was plainly revealed to her: that was to be the
Irrefutable height´s Sovereign. Therefore with this knowledge,
without  any hesitation she dashed down to the void & gt;.

The Humming-bird and the Crows

A beautiful humming-bird lived in Eden; its beauty and
elegance were remarkable. Its small chest was a brilliant red
color. With its small beak it used to suck the flower´s honey.
Its wings moved so rapidly that it seemed as if it were suspended
On air.
Its plumaje used to  shine  with the sun´s reflexes. All its looks
Were of extreme beauty; so much beauty, and all in such a small
Being! So it happened to cause envy in the dark crows, because
They were not beautiful as the humming-bird.This situation led
Them to conceive a wicked plan.
They began to spread a rumor: that the humming-bird´s beauty
Was as a consequence of an enchantment; therefore if it went
On sucking the flower´s honey these will wither forever.
One morning, the squirrel, the turtle, and the hare talking in one of
The wood´s spots, decided to warn the humming-bird in relation
To this matter, when it came to visit them. And so they did:
-Dear humming-bird, the crows have made a plan to ruin you and
Throw you out of Eden.
The humming-bird was grateful to its friends for the warning, but
It didn´t do anything about it. Just went on doing what he used to.
That is:
To fly from flower to flower, from fruit to fruit, carrying merriment
And beauty to all the beings that contemplated it.
The crows envious and tired of listening to all the praises about
The humming-bird, then decided to stop it for good.
One afternoon, they waited hidden near the humming-bird´s nest.
And when he arrived, they tend  a trap and killed it.
The whole wood became somber, due to the beautiful humming-
Bird´s absency.
The bad crows then thought they had achieved their goal in not
Letting someone better and more beautiful than them, to shine
In Eden.
When Spring arrived, roses, jazmines and bouganvilles, began to
Bloom again.
The squirrel, the hare and the turtle said it was because of the
humming-bird´s spirit, and that while the remembrance of it lasted
in the woods, there wouldl be light, life and color forever.
So as to remind the dark crows that:

          Light will always prevail, notwithstanding wicked souls.

The Wolf, the Sheep and the Guardian Dog

Some peaceful sheep were grazing on the green pastures without
Being aware that a clever wolf was around stalking then.
The wolf was always looking for easy weak prays, and was waiting
For one of them that could be neither too small nor too big, seeking
the right moment to attack.
What the wolf ignored was that the flock was in charge of a
German Sheperd dog. So when the frightened sheep started to
Run scared by the wolf, without hesitation the dog decided to
Confront the tricky animal, to stop him attacking the defense-
Less sheep.
They all thanked the dog afterwards for its well timed action,
And then the leader sheep asked the dog:
-My friend, you are as bold and fearless as the wolf, but you are
good and noble as we are. Why don´t you join the flock?
 The brave dog answered:
-“I am a brave animal, and I have been dedicated to protect you
Against the wolf´s abuses, but I can´t follow a flock. I´m  of an
Independent nature.” He concluded- and went away.
Meanwhile, the clever wolf waited patiently for an opportunity to
Come near the brave dog in a friendly way, and with caution
Asked him:
-My friend guardian dog, you that are as bold as I am, and not weak
And scary as the sheep, why don´t you partner with me? And with
A wicked smile he added: “we could be the meadows´ masters.”

-Never! I´m not like you. You perverse wolf that take advantage of
The weak ones. But neither am I like the scary sheep, which are
Devoured by strong and merciless agressors. My true nature
Is to fight for what I believe in, and to help the defenseless; but
always mantaining my freedom.

The Nightingale

There was a nightingale standing on the branch of a leafy tree.
Its beautiful chirp used to fill the majestic forest.
Very seldom any other bird could equal its gorgeous songs.
Nevertheless, it was sad. A wise owl that was watching it then
Asked: “what is the matter with you my beautiful bird friend?”
-I feel sad because nobody praises my beautiful songs.

-With the lark I feel unconfortable, because it doesn´t stop to see
My beauty.
The haughty hawk never stops to listen to my melodies.
The Eagle flies so high that it can´t listen to my music.

So you see, nobody is really aware of the sound of my beautiful
chirps that bring merriment to the forest.

The wise owl then comforted the nightingale:
“you certainly posses a beautiful way of singing, there´s no reason
to be sad.”
“Cheer up! Beautiful nightinglale,” said the wise owl, Be sure
There´s no bigger satisfaction than to feel well with oneself even
though others don´t appreciate it.

The Toad and the Caterpillar

In the deep of the forest, a toad was watching from a distance
seating inside its nice puddle, to a caterpillar that was slowly
moving towards a tree. It said: “what a difficult effort wanting to
go so far!”
The Caterpillar went on its way without paying attention to the
toad´s remark, and began its slow climb: first the trunk, then a
branch. It had set for itself, as a dreamed goal to fly.

The toad slept all night. Meanwhile, the magic transformation from
Caterpillar to butterfly was taking place.
At dawn, the toad could see how a gorgeous butterfly came out
Of a cocoon. Totally surprised by this marvel, he bulged its
Chest and foolishly exclaimed:
-Why do I want to fly, if I´m the King of this puddle!
The butterfly started its trip, flying to far away places.
The wise owl, that had listened to the toad´s silly remark  then said:
-“Life is mediocre, if one doesn´t aspire to higher challanges!”

The Laborious Donkey

Day after day, a laborious donkey used to turn the wheel of an old
Mill. Its incentive was to get a nice fresh carrot that was hanging
in front of him.
The wise owl, watching the repetitive labor, was aware that the
Poor donkey would never reach it. So he asked the donkey: “ why
So much effort for any result?”
The busy donkey answered: “if I keep persisting, one day I will
Surely get it.”
The wise owl then replied:
-“I just see that you feed of straw and alfalfa!” and  he added:
“If you always keep doing the same, you´ll always obtain the
-I really do this only by habit; because I have never tried
Anything different,
Therefore the wise owl advised him:
-If you wish to get a different result, you have to take the risk of
Thinking and doing differently.


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